Monday, June 13, 2011

Manic Monday

Ok, I watched the first 2 episodes of Teen Wolf on and I’m not going to lie, it’s kind of good. It’s action packed of course, the filming is pretty good, and the characters are likable. The main character could use a few acting classes, but for the most part it’s entertaining. I didn’t expect it to be. I thought it was going to be awful, but I kind of want to keep watching. I’m not sure how they’re going to make the story into a full series though. Obviously, the kid needs to learn how to control changing from human to werewolf. Right now, the second his temper gets going or his heart rate is up, he turns into a wolf. So they can extend that a bit. He has a love interest so that could extend a bit, but I can only really see this lasting a few seasons before it fizzles out. I recommend taking a look. I mean there's really nothing else on TV on Monday night.

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