Thursday, May 26, 2011


You know when you watch movies such as Lord of the Rings and see beautiful hillsides and what not and later find out it was shot in New Zealand. A lot of movies have been shot in New Zealand because it’s so freaking gorgeous. I want to go just because of what I see in the movies. Well, the city of Wellington wants to create a sign just like the Hollywood sign on the hillside next to their international airport. They want it to read “Wellywood” to represent all the contribution they’ve made to Hollywood. Well, needless to say, Hollywood doesn’t find this funny and they’re seeking legal action.

We are not without a sense of humor, nor without legal rights. We hope that if the Wellington airport wants to mimic our Sign in this fashion, it will proceed in cooperation with us and will recognize that the holder of the rights to the Sign and the party responsible for its continued existence is a nonprofit entity that works hard to raise funds so that the Sign even exists to be mimicked.

Wellington hopes that this sign will be the new photo opp. Looks like New Zealand Facebook users aren’t happy about it either.

I don't think that copying another [country's] cultural sign is really doing much for our own culture. We have become so americanised lately, and it’s sad.... what happened to Kiwiana?

I don’t like the fact that they want to copy the Hollywood sign either. Sure, New Zealand has been in a lot of movies, but I don’t think that gives them the right to create a replica sign. The Hollywood sign is iconic and legendary and there’s so much history there. I feel like replicating it like this would be more of a mockery than anything else.

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