Monday, May 9, 2011

Weekend Movie - Pirates of the Caribbean on Strangers Tides at Disneyland

I hope everyone had an awesome weekend! I had the good fortune of getting to attend the world premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides at Disneyland. It was kind of amazing. I got to walk the black carpet in front of all the paparazzi, which was very intimidating. I don't know how people do it. All the rides in Frontier Land and New Orleans Square were open so we got to ride those over and over. All the food at the kiosks was free. There was a full buffet for dinner as well. So that part was awesome all in itself. I've never walked on to so many rides in my life.

Then, the best part comes. Disneyland set up movie theatre seats stadium style in the Tom Sawyer lagoon, which was very impressive. The movie screen was on an island that they built right in front of Tom Sawyer Island. We got free pop corn and drinks, but wait for it: Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz were there too along with the rest of the cast. This I was not expecting. I just thought that we were going to see the movie and go home. The producer, Jerry Bruckheimer walked out on stage and I was very excited and then when the rest of the cast came out I was speechless. It was definitely a pleasure to see them.

The movie was pretty good too. I feel like the last 3 were a little confusing for some reason, but this one seemed straight forward. I also don't feel like it needed the other 3 movies to exist. This one kind of stands on its own. I think the mermaids were my favorite. They were sweet and cute and then they turned evil and I kind of liked that about them. People always think of Ariel when they hear someone talking about mermaids so this was a nice change of pace. Their fins were super cool too. The CG was really well done. Definitely see this movie when it comes out.

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