Monday, April 18, 2011

Weekend Movie - Rango

I finally saw Rango this weekend. I have been wanting to see it since it first came out, but Sunday morning was my first opportunity. I thought the movie was uber political. This lizard is riding in the back of the family car when an armadillo walks out in front of the car. The driver swerves causing the lizard and his cage to go flying out the back window and then the story begins. The lizard talks to the armadillo who tells him to find the town in the distance. The lizard walks forever in the desert, but eventually finds this town. He takes on the name Rango, becomes the sheriff and tries to help the town out of a drought.

Through all of this, there were political messages popping up everywhere. I felt like Rango was Obama; the new leader people needed to look up to to make a change in the town. I thought the drought was commentary on the economic state we're in now. The water in the town was kept in the bank so it was pretty obvious in my mind. Obviously, anyone can look at the movie differently and see Rango as Jesus, but I think it was more a commentary on the US. Plus, Hollywood is liberal and I'm not sure they would make Rango Jesus.

The movie is definitely not for kids. The animation was amazing and therefore some of the characters were very hard to look at. They were very creepy looking. All of that aside, I do feel that Johnny Depp did an amazing job as Rango. The way he can alter his voice is just awe inspiring. He is one of few actors who allows you to see the character in the movie and not think about the actor doing the voice over. I completely forgot it was Johnny Depp.

I'm not sure if I recommend this movie or not. Towards the end, there were some really bad one liners. Like I said, the animation was amazing and so was Johnny Depp so if you can put the other stuff aside, than this movie might be for you.

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