Monday, April 4, 2011

Weekend Movie - The Lincoln Lawyer

I was finally able to relax this weekend and see a movie. I don't even know how long it's been since I saw a movie in the theatre. It kind of felt good. So I saw The Lincoln Lawyer with the family and it was kind of awesome. My dad read the book because he loves Michael Connelly and he said it was pretty close to the book, which is hard to come by these days. The movie is about a lawyer, Matthew McConaughey, who defends the criminals and has a good reputation because he gets them back on the streets. He's handed one case that he knows is wrong and the movie is about him trying to finally make things right. It's twisted and good.

Matthew McConaughey always does stupid romantic comedies so it was kind of nice to see him in something serious. He never took his shirt off in this movie and that kind of surprised me. I swear it's in his contract somewhere. I did want him in some shower scenes though. He always looks so damn dirty. I know he doesn't believe in deodorant and what not, but you think he would at least look semi clean in a lawyer role.

I realized during this movie that Ryan Phillippe is not a good actor. I used to be obsessed with I Know What You Did Last Summer and I thought he was good in that, but when I look back on it, a monkey could have played his role. Ryan is the bad guy in this movie and there was one point where he was on trial and he was yelling and being all dramatic and he could make his bottom lip quiver like he was going to cry, but the close up was on his eyes and they were very dry. If you're going to pull the lip quiver, at least get some tears in those eyes.

All in all, the movie is good. If you're into lawyer, semi-action movies than you will enjoy this one.

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