Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Favorite Doll

I don’t really have words for this because I’m too busy laughing. But someone created a blow up doll named Mylie with a picture of a girl on the box who looks very similar to Miley Cyrus. The people who decided to create this doll spell her name differently and claim it’s not modeled after Miley Cyrus. Um, to me the girl could be mistaken for Miley at first glance different name spelling or not. The headline on the box says “She’s young, dumb and old enough for cum!” Another line on the box says” Daddy’s little stoner is ready for you to bone her.” Seriously. I can’t help but laugh at that this. It might be awful and I probably wouldn’t be happy if someone did this to me, but it’s hilarious. Some people have way too much time on their hands.

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