Monday, March 21, 2011

Manic Monday

I hope no one floated away this weekend. Yesterday was a little insane. I don't think I've ever seen it rain that much in LA. I was in a bunch of different cities yesterday running around doing all the things and it was just incredible. The LA river was almost over flowing. Some of the water was so high, there weren't even side walks. I got very wet yesterday so I hope the rest of you stayed dry.
I haven't seen a trailer for this movie on TV or in the theatres yet, but I did catch it on someone else's blog and it looks awesome! The movie is called Super, not to be confused with Super 8, which looks awesome too. Super looks like it might be another Kick-Ass. I only saw the first part of Kick-Ass, but from what I saw the movie was pretty good. Super stars Ellen Page and Rainn Wilson. They were really funny together in Juno so I can only imagine that they'll be hilarious in this one. Comic books really aren't my thing, but I think I can put that aside for this movie. See for yourself.

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