Thursday, March 24, 2011

Black List

Ok so we all remember the song Friday by Rebecca Black. I mean how can you forget. I showed you the awful video last week and you were tortured. It shows us that anyone can be famous. Well, Jersey Shore did that, but this topped it all off. I didn't know anything about Rebecca Black. I had no idea where she came from or how the hell she got so many people to hate her for making this song. Apparently, she's received a lot of death threats. Plus, there are so many rumors swirling around that I have no idea what to believe. One of the rumors I heard was that she paid someone $2,000 of her own money to record this song and make this video. I don't know how true that is. She's from Canada like all of them are so maybe she actually was desperate. I also heard that this song was just an auto tune experiment. These two guys had her sing and then auto tuned the crap out of the song. The thing that makes me sad about that is that she doesn't have a bad voice. In the song yes, but a reporter asked her to sing a few bars of the national anthem and she can sing fine. Seems like if this was an auto tune experiment, they should have found someone who can't carry a tune, right?

So with all of these rumors swirling around, I did a little research. Rebecca is signed with a record label called Ark Music Factory. They sign all these super young "singers" and make them think they're amazing. I watched some of the clips of their "artists" and it's awful. Not only that, but their website says something about the Ark Music Factory's secret being revealed tomorrow. Secret? So is this some child trafficking thing or what? What secret could a record label have that they're ready to share? Their site has a window that says:

Very interesting. I feel like we're all about to get scammed. This is probably some sociology project from USC or something. The student who can make someone famous in a matter of hours gets an A. It all just seems so weird! Part of me wants to know what the hell is going on, but the other part of me is sad that people fall into this crap, including myself. I guess we will have to wait until tomorrow to know what the hell is happening. So until then, torture yourself some more.

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