Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Zombie Nazi's

I finally have a moment. This week has been kind of weird. I don't really even know what day it is... I've kind of been living under a rock these last few days with being sick and then having a 2 day convention at work that I was barely awake for. So I'm not really sure what's going on in the world right now. I need to catch up. Also, my head is super congested so I apologize if what I'm about to write makes very little sense.

I did have some movie time while I was sick and let me tell you it got kind of weird. One of my co-workers told me about this one zombie movie and he told me it's a must see. Turns out he never even saw it, but out of sheer curiosity I watched it on Netflix instant. It's called Dead Snow and it's about these Nazi's turned zombies. It's a Norwegian movie so make sure you're up for reading subtitles AND guts. It's not your typical zombie movie because these zombies can run and jump and have strength, which are all no no's of the zombie world.

A bunch of kids decide to go to this one cabin for their break from medical school and while they're there, they meet this guy who tells them the woods are dangerous because it used to be a Nazi camp are and the town didn't like having the Nazi's there so they killed them, but some escaped. He told them the escaped were never found so they're still out there somewhere. Naturally, the Nazi's turned into zombies and throughout the movie kill all the kids. There's a lot of intestines in this movie. It's like the special effects team just learned how to make fake intestines and wanted to show off their skill.

If you're in the mood for a ridiculous zombie movie, you should watch this one. It's definitely a good movie when you're bored or home sick. I chased it with Ramona and Beezus.

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