Monday, January 24, 2011

Manic Monday

Talk about desperation. We all know Verizon lost A LOT of customers when the iPhone came out. I remember calling to make my change and the lady on the other end of the phone had a script that she read off of telling me how bad the iPhone was and not to switch to AT&T. That was desperation for sure. Well, now that Verizon is finally getting the iPhone, they’re offering people a $200 Visa gift card if they buy the new phone on their network. Wow. From my experience, Verizon is a better company. I had fewer dropped calls and more service in more places, but I know that Verizon’s iPhone won’t have the same functions as my current iPhone. I wouldn’t make the switch based on that knowledge. Over time, that may be fixed, but right now I wouldn't make the switch. $200 is a good offer, but I would also keep from making the switch simply because I don’t want to be bribed. Get me to come to your network because you have good products. Not because you’re bribing me. Another reason I left Verizon was because their phone options were horrible. I wanted a smart phone that wasn’t a Blackberry or a PDA and that’s all Verizon offered. They just recently got the Droid and that thing kind of sucks. So again, I stand by AT&T even though I have dropped calls and shitty signal. They’re just smarter with better products.

To top it all off, Verizon is having major network issues now. My office just recently switched to Verizon for our Blackberry's and recently people were complaining that emails weren't being sent when using the device. A lot of people complained to IT and it turns out Verizon's network is down. Awesome. Way to go Verizon. Right before this huge product comes into your hands, you screw it all up.

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