Monday, December 27, 2010

Weekend Movie - The Fighter

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend. I know some of you are probably at work and some of you aren’t. For those of you at work, I’m very sorry. For those of you at home, I hope you’re having a good day off.

I saw The Fighter this weekend with the family on Christmas Day as the Jews do. It was alright. I kind of expected more to be honest. The acting was amazing though and the story was heart warming. I guess I wanted more boxing montages. I’m used to Rocky and all the fighting scenes and what not.

I dislike Christian Bale a lot as a person. He’s such a douche bag, but he’s such a good actor. It’s so hard to hate him when he’s so good at what he does. During the credits, they showed a video of the people the movie was based on and Christian Bale pretty much played his character perfectly. So annoying. He lost so much weight to play his character too. Like I said, it's hard to hate someone who can be such a good actor.

The story is about 2 boxing brothers. The older brother Dicky, played by Christian Bale is a professional boxer and teaches his younger brother Micky, played by Mark Wahlberg to box. Dicky is over taken by drug addiction and that ends his boxing career, but he takes his younger brother under his wing and helps him win the top boxing title. Like I said, very heart warming. Dicky was able to over come drugs and help his brother. Amy Adams is kind of amazing. It’s so hard to believe that she’s the same girl form Enchanted. She’s really versatile and I love it!

So over all, the movie was good. Just don't go into it expecting too much boxing.

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