Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Monday Night Movie - Black Swan

Ok, I did it. I saw Black Swan last night and all I have to say is AMAZING!!!! I think this movie is my new favorite psychological thriller. The script is so well written and the acting is so amazing. I heard this morning on the radio that the movie, Natalie Portman, and the director are all nominated for Golden Globes and they better win dammit! I've never been a big fan of Natalie Portman and I never knew why, but she is so incredible in this movie. It's so rare to see actors like her. The character arch she has to go through is just incredible. She goes from a soft spoken girl to a very edgy, hardcore person.

Also, who knew Winona Rider was in this movie? Her name/face was never in any previews. Her part was small, but she still could have been shown in a preview or two.

The story is basically a story within a story. A ballet company in New York is putting on Swan Lake of course and Natalie Portman's character, Nina tries out for the role of Swan Queen who plays both the white and black swan, which is not normal for this show. Normally, there are 2 different dancers portraying each role. The director thinks Nina has what it takes to be the white swan, but doesn't think she's edgy enough to play the black swan and Nina is on a mission to prove him wrong. Nina takes her character on a little too much and it all kind of spirals from there. Sooooo good!!!! Mila Kunis is pretty amazing as well. I think she could really go far if she sticks with roles like this. She plays the cool dancer friend.

The movie gets pretty gruesome at some points. There's more blood than I realized there would be and there's a lot of sexual stuff. In order to get Nina to feel something, the director of the show kind of forces her into sexual moments. After the movie ended, I seriously wanted to run home. I was so pumped. So if you're in the mood for artsy awesomeness, this movie is for you. If you squirm at the sight of blood, vomit and/or shaky camera angles, than maybe you should just live vicariously through me.

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