Thursday, November 11, 2010

Suck It!

OK. I can’t take it anymore. I hate talking about this stuff, but I have to. Bush Jr. has released a book about his decision making and trying to make excuses for the reason the US is totally fucked up and people are believing him?!?! People are reading his book and are seeing him in a more favorable light. No! Stop that people. Put the book down and stop. I don’t care what he has to say, the bottom line is that he totally fucked everything up. He’s the reason we’re in Irag and Afghanistan. Don’t people remember God told him to attack? He’s the reason so many soldiers have died. I do believe he’s also the reason 9/11 happened. He had warning of the attacks before hand and did nothing to stop them. I also kind of blame him for the recession. America used to be considered the top dog and I feel he’s the reason people hate us now.

Bush said the worst part of his presidency was when Kanye West alluded to the fact that he was racist. Really? That’s what bothers you after 8 years of destruction? Makes me so sick. How does he sleep at night? OK, I'm done now.

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