Monday, November 1, 2010

Manic Monday

I hope everyone had an awesome Halloween! I hope you all handed out candy and saw some cool costumes. I know I did! Some little girls were a little too slutty for my taste, but for the most part, it wasn't too bad. Did anyone hand out candy laced with marijuana? People kept telling me to vote no on prop 19 yesterday. Shut up! Just don't let your kids eat the home made candy. It's that simple. Mario and Luigi made my sandwich at Jersey Mike's. It was awesome. There were a lot of Mario's last night, which surprised me. Mario has been a big character for a long time. I wonder what caused his costume to be so popular this year.

Now that Halloween is over, we can focus on getting fat and broke. We can eat our lives away during Thanksgiving and Christmas and then spend money we don't have to buy presents for people. Good times! No, in all seriousness, I'm excited for the coming holidays. I never used to like the holidays, but now I love them. It also means a fresh and new beginning. At least it does to me. We can all hope that the next year will have some great things. We can make resolutions that we hope we have the strength to follow through with. It just seems like such a good time. So here's to the first of November and the start of more fun to come!

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