Monday, June 7, 2010

Manic Monday

Just when you thought the drama was over, a new contract has been signed. John and Kate, well just Kate and her plus 8, are back. The new show aired last night and it was all about Kate. The 8 kids were barely even present. If they're going to do that, they should just give Kate her own show and leave out those poor kids altogether.

Last we all heard, John said no to the show continuing on. He didn't want his children to be on TV anymore, but we all know it was really because he didn't want Kate on TV anymore. Neither one of them care about those kids. Recently, John decided that he needed the money so he signed the contract and their kids are being exploited once again.

I'm not going to lie, the show made me a little sick. Like I said it was all about Kate. It showed behind the scenes of her on Dancing with the Stars, which she totally sucked on by the way.

She can't dance to save her life. It showed her receiving hair extensions, which kind of look cute when styled properly. I mean anything looks better than that damn haircut she had last season on the show.

When they make a wig of your hair available for Halloween, you need to change it.

They showed her having a break down in her limo. Poor Kate. Life must be so hard. It also showed her at a book signing and all she kept saying was how horrible it was because there weren't very many people there. She said she likes to sing about 1,500 books and the signing on the show didn't meet her standards. Lady, you should be happy there were even 5 people there with all the shit you've gone through on national television. It's just gross. I watched it because I was curious, but I don't think I will continue to watch it. It's just too sad and sickening.

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