Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Patch

Before bed I like to wind down a little by watching some TV. Nothing special, usually just flipping. On Sunday night I was flipping through the channels and hit a news station that caught my eye. I decided to watch for a little bit and I was a little shocked by what I saw. They were talking about a new way to lose weight. Of course, I was curious because people are always coming up with new and insane ways to lose weight and let me tell you this one did not disappoint.

This one doctor came up with the idea of stitching a piece of rough fabric to the tongue making it too uncomfortable to eat solid foods leaving the person to remain on a liquid diet. They interviewed a girl who was the test dummy for this and they showed how they sew the piece on. They also interviewed the doctor who decided this would be a good idea and he of course thinks it’s brilliant, but made sure to point out that the patch isn’t safe to wear for more than 30 days. He also went on to say that 30 days was enough anyway. He had patients lose up to 50 pounds in 30 days. Um, that doesn’t sound healthy. How are these people getting nutrition? I’m sure he puts them on a specific liquid diet, but still. This is insane! I understand that a lot of people have a difficult time losing weight, but this is taking things to the extreme. Plus, this only seems like a quick fix. How many people actually keep this weight off? The test dummy chick specifically said she was trying to lose weight for a special occasion so once that occasion passes she would put all the weight back on again?

The procedure costs $1,500 for 30 days. The doctor guarantees results, which makes sense when you can only drink your food. The test dummy chick said she couldn’t talk for 2 days after they sewed the patch on her tongue because it was sore and uncomfortable. I just don’t know how I feel about using a foreign object to help you lose weight. What ever happened to eating right and exercising? Is this worth it? I don’t think so. I would rather be fat….

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