Tuesday, September 21, 2010

TV is Back!

I'm so excited for this week. All of our favorite TV shows come back and we even get some new ones. I've been having mini withdrawals here and there. I watched Bones and Grey's Anatomy from the beginning this summer and those are my main shows so my withdrawals weren't too bad. But I miss Glee and Biggest Loser and Hell's Kitchen. I miss watching Gordon Ramsey yell at people. I miss watching Jillian Michaels make overweight people run up hills. Luckily, the shows Master Chef and Working Out With Jillian Michaels held me over for a bit, but it's still not the same. The Jillian Michaels show was so boring I could barely make it through 2 episodes. Master Chef was awesome though.

There are some new shows that seem kind of interesting. No Ordinary Family has me a tiny bit intrigued, but I can see it getting old real fast. I heard it's about a family who gets magical powers after a plane crash or something. Kind of weird, but kind of interesting. There's another show I keep seeing commercials for called The Event. Apparently, it's supposed to be the next Lost. I never watched Lost so it doesn't really appeal to me, but I guess it's worth a shot right. Lost had a huge fan base and I'm sure they're hoping The Event will as well. My roommate refuses to watch it because there have been so many commercials. Usually, that means something is going to suck. I will have to watch it and let you know.

Happy TV watching!!!

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