Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Haptic What?

Ok, this has reached a new level of insanity that I just don't think is necessary. Are people really so attached to their cell phones that they need a tattoo to receive signals to alert them that someone is calling, texting or emailing? I mean come on! That's just taking it way beyond all boundaries. Sometimes, it's nice to not know where your phone is.

Nokia has patented this tattoo that vibrates/receives pulses alerting you that your phone is going off somewhere. What happened to just putting the phone on extra vibrate in your pocket? Anyway, they want the tattoo to have the same type of customization as a ring tone. If your girl friend calls you feel warm and tingly. If your ex calls, you feel itchy or something like that. This is getting pretty damn gross if you ask me.

What makes it even worse is the type of ink they think is needed to make this work. Nokia wants to use ink with iron and iron oxide. Can you imagine that stuff in your skin? I don't even want to know the long term affects of that. If they say we can get brain cancer just by holding the phone to our ears, imagine the cancer caused by your new vibrating tattoo. In order to activate this tattoo, you have to run magnets on it. Oy vey, I just can't even continue on with this. Nokia is also suggesting an alternate where instead of getting a tattoo, you could just put a magnetic sticker on your arm that does the same thing. Why wasn't that the first suggestion? Either way, this idea is insane and if it ever comes to be, I will have to move to Canada where they are just now receiving the flip phone. Eh.

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