Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Trend Dayz

I find childhood trends ridiculous sometimes. I was caught up in them when I was a kid and sometimes my parents gave in and sometimes they didn’t. My brother and I had an endless number of pogs and that trend lasted a very short period of time. At one point, there were parents who were killing each other just to get an Elmo doll that shook and laughed when you tickled it. Kind of creepy if you think about it. There have been many other crazy trends, like cabbage patch dolls and Barbie and all that fun stuff, but the trend that baffles me today is the Silly Bandz trend. I read about this a bit ago, but apparently this trend has gotten out of hand and they don’t think it’s going to go away any time soon.

Silly Bandz are these shaped rubber band type things that kids wear on their wrists. They come in multiple colors and shapes and kids trade them at school. I read that some schools have banned the bracelets because it’s distracting kids in class. I don’t understand the appeal of these things at all. Yes, they’re cute, but then you put them on your wrist and they just look like a blob of color.

The shape completely disappears. How do you know which is which? Is the red one the horse or the dinosaur? It’s so weird to me that kids are obsessed with these things. When you take them off, they go back to their original shape, but the point is to wear them and that’s where my brain stops working. Why make something colorful in fun little shapes and have them be worn where the shape completely disappears? Maybe, I need to be in elementary school to understand the trend.

How do such random things become trends anyway? Why was Tickle Me Elmo such a huge hit? Have you ever played with one? It’s super creepy and disturbing. As a child, I would be terrified of this object shaking and laughing at me.

Pogs were just stupid cardboard cutouts with weird pictures on them. The game wasn’t even played very much. The whole fad was to trade the pogs and get even cooler cardboard cut outs. Then, there were the slammers that you could trade and it was just a weird fad. The Silly Bandz fad makes a little more sense because it accessorizes your everyday, but the rest sit in the corner and collect dust. I really need to lock myself in a basement somewhere and come up with some stupid idea and hope it sticks so I can get rich too. And now I kind of want to go out and buy some Silly Bandz….. They even have Halloween shapes that glow in the dark!

Ew, and Justin Bieber shapes.

Ugh, what have I done?!?

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