Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thrill Me

I pass the Seeley's Furniture building twice a day. It's a building that has been around for quite some time and has become famous. It's in a location where no one can miss it. At night, the sign lights up and can be seen from quite a distance. Even though the furniture store no longer exists, the building still stands and has become a landmark. Apparently, a lot of filming goes on in the building. If you pass the building and look close enough, you can see signs with information on how to rent out the space for filming. Also, if you're that close, you can see how utterly creepy the inside looks. If I were a filmmaker, I would definitely use the building to house my horror or thriller movie. So every time I pass this building, I'm reminded of the movie Session 9. Unless you're a film school student, I highly doubt you would know this movie and I only know it because my brother went to film school and it was sitting on the coffee table in our living room for some time when I was in high school. I was bored one day and decided that I should watch it out of sheer curiosity.

The front of the DVD case shows this chair in the middle of a run down room. At the time, I didn't understand the movie and I recall it being kind of weird, but the Seeley's building made me want to watch it again.

The movie is a thriller about this team hired to clean out an insane asylum because it's covered in asbestos. Of course things start to happen. The job is supposed to take 3 weeks, but the asbestos company really needs the money so they claim the job can be done in one week and charge a higher price. One of the workers finds a box of tapes with a reel to reel tape player and starts listening to therapy sessions with one of the past patience from the hospital who had multiple personalities. The movie is called Session 9 because it takes a turn for the worst when the session 9 tape begins to play. Kind of scary. I was watching the movie in broad day light with people around and I still got chills. Some will say the movie is kind of cheesy, but because it takes place in an abandoned insane asylum, it's no longer cheesy to me. This is definitely one of those movies that needs to be watched in the day light with a Disney movie as a chaser. During the playing of these session tapes, you find out about the asbestos workers, especially the boss and it all kind of goes from there. So if you're in the mood, I recommend sitting down and opening your mind to an independent thriller.

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